


دواء جديد لعلاج مرض الزهايمر معتمد من قِبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء

In a breakthrough development with regard to Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment, a New Drug [aducanumab] to Cure Alzheimer’s Disease has been Approved by US Food and

علاج أمراض اللغة والنطق لدى الأطفال: دواعي الاستعمال

Language and Speech Therapy for Children Just like all the other skills, the age at which kids learn language and start talking can differ. If.

كل ما تود معرفته عن العلاج السلوكي الجدلي

Did you know that there is a specific kind of talking therapy that helps people with difficulty managing emotions to identify and change negative thinking

ما المقصود بمرض التوحد؟ | كيف يمكن تشخيصه؟ | الخرافات والحقائق | العلاج في أبوظبي

What is Autism? Autism is a Spectrum Disorder also known as ASD is a developmental disorder that affects how people communicate and interact with the

ماذا أفعل إن كنت قلقاً بشأن احتمال إصابة طفلي باضطرابات الأكل؟

If you are worried that your child may be developing an eating disorder or you think that they may already have one, we hope that

العلامات الشائعة لاضطرابات الأكل

If a loved one is starting to develop an eating disorder, there are a number of signs that you may notice. Some of the signs