Adult Mental Health Services

In 2017, Maudsley Health, Abu Dhabi, began providing mental health services for adults. Our overall purpose is to promote mental health and wellbeing, helping people to live their lives to the fullest by providing care and treatment to the highest standards. We value cultural diversity and have extensive experience in modifying treatments to respect and meet individual needs.


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The Maudsley “Five Core Commitments”

We are committed to working together to build collaborative, respectful relationships with our patients and with each other in accordance with the Maudsley “Five Core Commitments”:

– To be caring, kind and polite
– To be prompt and value your time
– To take time to listen to you
– To be honest and direct with you
– To do what we say we are going to do

We work with people with a broad range of mental health conditions including:

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety (Social anxiety, OCD, PTSD)
  3. Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  4. Bipolar disorder
  5. Alcohol or Addiction Problems
  6. Psychosis
  7. Personality Disorders
  8. Adult Learning Difficulties
  9. Couples Counselling
  10. Treating Psycho Sexual Problems

Psychometric assessments, leading to comprehensive reports, can be provided for people who want to establish whether they have specific learning difficulties or attentional problems, who are concerned about memory problems or cognitive decline as they get older or who have suffered head injuries and want a clear idea of whether any functional impairment has occurred.

What we offer

The team offer an extensive range of cutting edge, evidence-based psychological treatments, in addition to a comprehensive psychiatric assessment and advice on medication, including:

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and practical skills for adults with ADHD
  2. CBT for OCD, including home based exposure therapy when required
  3. Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Schema Focused CBT for people with complex and entrenched problems or personality disorders
  4. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Eating Disorders (CBT-ED) for all eating disorders and Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA) for individuals with anorexia, developed by clinicians at the Maudsley Eating Disorder Service
  5. State of the art CBT for panic disorder and other anxiety disorders, based on an individual formulation of the person’s difficulties
  6. Trauma Focused CBT for people with persistent trauma related symptoms/PTSD
  7. An individualised programme of Behavioural Activation, CBT and Mindfulness targeted at depression
  8. Relapse management packages to assist people coming off medication
  9. Relationship and Marriage Counselling
  10. Speech and Language Therapy
  11. Occupational Therapy
  12. Crisis Intervention

The team also offers a service to EAP (Employment Assistance Program) providers seeking brief solution focused interventions for employees and a psychological first aid service for companies seeking to support employees following critical incidents.

Inpatient care

The ethos of the service is to care for people in the community. However, if an inpatient admission is required to ensure your safety or those around you, the service can facilitate an admission to local services or in the UK if necessary.

Visiting clinicians

Like our child and adolescent service, the adult service team in Abu Dhabi is supplemented by visits from the world’s leading academics and clinicians based in London, many of whom run national and specialist services and are internationally renowned. This enables our team to be kept abreast of cutting edge research and practice developments ensuring accessibility to leading evidence-based best practice therapies in the UAE.

Our visiting clinicians include;

Affective Disorders: (depression and bipolar disorder): Professor Allan Young Academic Director-Mood, Anxiety and Personality

Addictions: Dr. Emily Finch Clinical Director-Addictions Clinical and Academic Group

Psychotic Disorder: Dr. Fiona Gaughran Lead Clinician-National Psychosis Unit

Forensic Psychiatry: Professor Tom Fahy Clinical Director-Behavioural and Developmental Clinical Academic Group.

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Contact Maudsley Health For more Mental Health related Services.