Mental Health Training and Education
Maudsley Health provides access to the highly specialist CAMHS services provided by the CAMHS Clinical Academic Group in the UK.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Version 2 (ADOS-2) - Training Course
Examples of workshops:
– Introduction to mental health difficulties in children and adolescents.
– Supporting children with autism spectrum and related disorders.
– Supporting children who self-harm (including those who markedly restrict their eating).
– Supporting children with anxiety, obsessional compulsive disorders and related disorders
– The impact of parental mental health and domestic violence on children and young people
– Helping pupils and parents with the pressure of examinations and exam preparation
– Working with children and young people who have been bullied
– Working with hard-to-engage families
– Understanding child and adolescent bereavement
– Clinical Supervision-skills, ethics and values
– Working with adults with ADHD
– Recognizing the symptoms of mental ill health and promoting resilience
– Workshops on specific areas of difficulty including depression and mood disorders, restrictive eating patterns, anorexia, behavioral disorders, post-traumatic stress
– Recognizing the symptoms of mental health illnesses and promoting resilience
– Assessing risk, resilience and self-harm
– Working with personality disorders
– Compassion Focussed Therapy for Depression
The service is able to provide access to the highly specialist CAMHS services provided by the CAMHS Clinical Academic Group in the UK.