Eimear Tonge

Eimear Tonge

  • Position: Head of Education and Training
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Review Psychologist

Eimear is an Irish registered mental health nurse with almost 20 years of clinical experience in both inpatient and community based mental health settings. She trained in Ireland and has worked in Australia and Canada before returning to Ireland in 2012 where she last worked in a clinical educational role in partnership with Trinity College Dublin on their undergraduate nursing degree programme. Staff professional development and training is her main area of interest and she has an extensive experience in the development and delivery of nurse training programmes.  Eimear joined Maudsley Health in May 2021 to lead their Nurse Development Programme in the UAE and to support the development of the Staff Wellbeing Programme.

Eimear has a keen interest in health promotion, proactive approaches to mental health and wellbeing, practice development and clinical research. She has trained in areas such as motivational interviewing, maastricht approaches, CBT/DBT skills, Decider Life Skills and completed a certificate in clinical supervision for mental health nurses. Eimear is passionate about staff wellbeing and the positive impact on their practice.

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